What is Youth Link?
Youth Link is a free social prescribing service that can link you with a range of local services to improve your mental wellbeing. Please note that Youth Link is an early intervention and prevention service.
Who is Youth Link for?
- Children and young people aged 10–18 years old.
- Individuals registered with a doctor within the West Herts area (Watford/Three Rivers/Dacorum/Hertsmere/St Albans).
- Suitable for individuals with low to moderate mental health doubts, issues and/or condition.
How Does Youth Link Support Children and Young People?
- We will work with the individual child/young person to create a link action plan suited for their needs.
- We will find tailored support for the individual needs – this can range from physical activity, advice, counselling, social activities.
- Support child/young person during a six-month period via face-to-face meetings.
How Can You Access Youth Link?
If you are a young person, parent/carer or a referring partner (such as teacher, health provider, support worker) download and fill out the relevant form on this page and return it back to ines.pereira@watfordfc.com OR use the online upshot link to complete the form now.
Alternatively for GP’s/ health practitioners please search for Youth Link on DSX.
If you need the form in another format, support in filling out the form, or need more information, contact our Health and Wellbeing Officer, Ines: Ines.pereira@watfordfc.com / 07510 927 143*
*Note this line is not available 24/7 and working hours vary. If you need immediate help to keep yourself or others safe, please call NHS 111, your GP, or go to your local Accident & Emergency department. If you feel yourself or others are at imminent risk of physical harm, please call 999.
Are You a Referring Partner?
Youth Link aims to work with various sectors in our local community to create connections to relevant and safe provisions for children and young people.
Are you a physical activity provider? Advice service? Counselling/therapy service? Social support service? Social activity provider? Youth mentor? Youth club? Education/training provider? Have employment or volunteering opportunities? Or are another service which will support or provide opportunities for children and young people aged between 10–18 years old?
We would love to hear from you!
We want to support children and young people to access your programmes/services. To find out more about Youth Link and how to partner with us, contact Ines on the details above. You can also check out our Youth Link Partner Information Sheet on this page.