15,515.9 lbs
Total Weight Loss
Total Participants
54,305,650 cals
Energy Burnt Off
Shape Up is a free 12-week weight management course for men. The course is aimed at men aged 18 to 65 years-old with a BMI of 30 or over and men from the BAME community with a BMI of 28 or over.
Participants meet up weekly for a ninety-minute session comprising of a forty-five-minute educational segment and a forty-five-minute physical activity session. These two segments are delivered with the aim of improving participant’s healthy lifestyle knowledge to ensure a sustainable weight loss rather than the typically short-term benefit of a diet-based programme. This course is open and accessible to all, having delivered courses across all districts of Hertfordshire and Harrow.
Backed by local GPs, participants can get involved with Shape Up by signing up through their local surgery or simply via the contact details provided on this page. Shape Up also boast their own website where you can find out all about the course and how they can help you lose weight today.
“I can’t recommend this course highly enough, do it! Take 90 minutes out of your weekly routine, change your life; take small steps but you will reap the benefits. I have!”
Rob Lewis, 46.